Is Your Child Going Into Year 7 or Year 11 This Year? – There’s Changes and We’re Here to Help

As parents, we love to see how our children grow and reach different milestones in their lives. Some of these milestones include when your child transitions from primary to high school and when they move into Year 11.

This is an exciting time for parents but could be a stressful period for your child. Keep reading to find out how we could support you and your child on their academic journey through school.

When your child transitions from Year 6 to Year 7, they may need to change schools, build new friendships, pick up different subjects and will have an increased workload.

They were once the eldest in primary school and now they’re the youngest in high school. Although this is exciting for parents to see, this can be stressful for your child.

Other situations include when your child transitions from Year 10 to Year 11. They need to pick 12 units of study, which means they will have a larger workload as they slowly draw closer to completing their HSC. In Year 11, a lot of the foundational topics are set. It’s important to make sure their foundations are strong in order to perform well in their HSC.

Check out the timetable below to find out how we could support your child.

Tuesday 4:45-6:50 pm
-Year 7 Maths (Private & Public)

Wednesday 4:45-6:50 pm
-Year 7 English (Private & Public)

Science-Yet to be arranged

Affordable K-12 Tutoring Lakemba


-Thursday 4:45-6:50 pm (Standard)

-Saturday  10-12:05pm (Advanced)

-Monday 7-9:05 pm (Advanced)

-Monday 7-9:05 pm (Extension 1)

-Wednesday 4:45-6:50pm (Standard Public)

-Thursday  7-9:05pm (Standard Private)

Wednesday 7-9:05 pm

Yet to be arranged

Saturday 12:15-2:20pm

Tuesday 7-9:05pm

Monday 7-9:05pm

Affordable K-12 Tutoring Lakemba

We know how difficult it is to keep up with tuition fees for only one child, let alone a few of them. But we’ve got you covered!

Kindergarten - Year 10

(1 FREE Lesson for Any Additional Subjects)


Year 11 & Year 12

(1 FREE Lesson for Any Additional Subjects)










Who doesn’t love a Freebie? If you love our service and would love others to benefit from them too, refer them to our centre and as a small token of appreciation you’ll receive a FREE lesson credit from us!

**Extra Information**
Any extra group classes set by The Thinking Cap Tutoring Centre will incur charges of $40 per 2-hour lesson.

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